High-Impact Workshops

95%’s workshops help business leaders, team leaders and managers to create and sustain their culture. Tools, frameworks, case studies and best practices will be shared. But most importantly, participants are highly encouraged to use these sessions to tackle their company’s challenges in building a High-Performance Culture.

Creating A Compelling Vision
(2 days)

This workshop guides leaders to articulate the Vision they have for their teams and companies. This goes beyond ‘being the leader in their industry’, ‘providing cutting-edge technology’, or ‘being in the forefront of the market’. Instead, it guides leaders to arrive to a compelling vision that engages the mind, activates ambition, and captures the heart of their people.

The Burning Platform: How To Secure Buy-in
(2 days)

This workshop guides leaders to position the call to embrace change in a way that engages the heart and mind.

Execution Mastery
(2 days)

This workshop helps leaders to execute most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. It provides leaders a proven set of practices that have been tested and refined by hundreds of organizations and thousands of teams over many years. Companies that adhere to these disciplines have achieved superb results –– regardless of the goal.

Ritual Brainstorm: Ideas To Turn Your Values To Culture
(1 day)

In this workshop, leaders will go through a facilitated process where they will understand the power of ‘rituals’ and brainstorm for ideas that will take their Core Values to life. At the end of this workshop, leaders will have a set of purposeful rituals that reflect the organisation’s beliefs to implement.


  • Culture Creation Series : Designing Your Company Culture
  • Culture Installation Series : How to install your Culture through your leaders
The Power Of Me
(2 days)

This powerful 2-day programme guides participants to develop passion, resilience, and leadership qualities. Many teams that have gone through this find a heightened sense of trust and openness for each other.

From Me To We
(2 days)

Following the impactful “The Power Of Me” programme, this workshop takes the learning to the next level by raising the bar of consciousness and leadership mindset. The core question of “how do I want to add value to those in my life” will move participants to expand their leadership capacity and raise their game of influence in their circles. To do this, participants are required to go through ‘The Power Of Me’.

The Samurai Game
(2 days)

A top management programme that fosters team synergy by bringing the corporate warrior in each leader. Designed by World War II Veteran George Leonard and delivered by specially certified facilitators, The Samurai Game® guides leaders to self-inquire about their Personal Values and how they effect influence on others. This is an intense journey of self-discovery and self-mastery. When leaders go through this as a team, the outcome is mutual respect and greater team synergy.

Personal Alignment To The Organisation’s Values
(1 day)

This one-day workshop helps you to align your team’s personal values to the organisation’s. When people are able to see that their values and the organisation’s are aligned, there will be a higher level of energy and willingness to go the distance.

The Art of Organisational Dojo
(1 day)

This programme promises a unique and enjoyable opportunity for individuals to: renew, rejuvenate, reflect and create fresh perspectives, personally and organizationally. It is conducted in the spirit of Peter M. Senge’s, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. At use are fundamental principles and movements of Aikido, a graceful Japanese martial art. The focus is on basics relevant to personal, professional and organizational effectiveness particularly relevant during times of challenge and change. Individuals actively embody principles with emphasis on: influence, relationship, leadership, follower-ship, teamwork, peak performance, and awareness.

Consciousness Leadership
(2 days)

The Primary goal of the Conscious Leadership workshop is to raise the quality of leadership, performance and wellbeing of leaders. It helps the participants to discover that true leadership effectiveness is achieved only when there is mindfulness, energy, focus, clarity, wellbeing and compassion. The workshop uses cutting edge western and eastern techniques such as kinesiology, mindfulness meditation, energy enhancement techniques, self-awareness building skills, neuro-linguistic programming, goal setting strategies and physical exercises to achieve its outcomes.

Executive Presence
(2 days)

This two-day powerful Executive Presence is for leaders who want to take their executive presence to the next level. It uses cutting edge training techniques to help leaders breakthrough their limiting beliefs and mind-sets. The result is a heightened level of energy, presence, and conviction.

A 3-month programme that turns awareness into results

This performance coaching programme is structured to solve a perpetual problem in the training industry: too many theories and not enough results.

In this 3-month programme, participants get the best of both worlds : experiential training that imparts learnings in a highly interactive way, combined with group coaching that guides them to overcome obstacles and achieve tangible results.

For more information, please click here: https://95percent.co/performance-coaching/

  • Presentation Skills (Basic)
  • Engaging Your Audience (Intermediate)
  • Powerful & Inspiring Presentations (Advance)
  • Engaging The Board
  • Overcoming Stress : Taking Back Control Over Your Life
  • Increase Your Influence Capacity
  • Critical Thinking / Problem-solving / Idea Generation / Innovative Thinking Skills
  • Breaking The Invisible Walls Of Silo In Organisations
  • Impactful Client Servicing: Leadership lessons for powerful Client Management
  • Account Management: Growing Your Business Through Your Existing Clients
  • Powerful Negotiation Strategies & Tactics
  • Turning Customers Into Fans : WOW Customer Service
  • Creating A Powerful Sales Force
  • Unlocking Personal Flow and Happiness
  • Mining For Insights: How To Get Insights
  • Selling Ideas Internally
  • Intention-driven Writing
  • Master Wordsmith
  • Personal Leadership
  • Mentorship Skills

If you’d like more information about any of the talks above, simply fill in this form and one of our Culture Catalysts will be in touch.

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