Working with 95% was a new experience for me. I was nervous and anxious at the same time to start something new in my life. The nature of business itself is something new to me where I didn’t have any idea on what culture is and how it could be a business and help another business. Looking at everyone’s professionalism during our first time zoom meeting made me more nervous and insecure of myself and not sure how I would go through this and get along with them.
After a while being with the team, I started to feel the connection with them even though we just met each other virtually. It all started from the team huddle that we have through zoom, where we shared our wellbeing and focused on work after that. What they shared with each other really came from their heart, and that makes me feel the trust they put on each other is more than just a working colleague.

Recently, I lost my appetite and haven’t felt like eating anything which has caused me to skip my meal often. By sharing this, the team had never missed to check on me and remind me to eat besides giving me suggestions on what to eat. One of the team, Mastura who’s pregnant and counting days to deliver her third baby, offered to cook for me if there’s anything I wanted to eat, and surprisingly she really did and delivered it to me (I didn’t have the photo as I was so excited to try the lasagna that she tried making first time for me). Her action and everyone’s concern really touched my heart 😉 They really put their team’s wellbeing first and take care of everyone as their family.

I’m glad that I got their support and assistance in adapting to my job. Everyone showed their concern on how am I adapting to the job even though we were not working closely and meeting each other often. My other colleagues, Syera, Pris and even Janet, the CEO, send me a WhatsApp asking how am I doing, and letting me know that I can reach out to them whenever needed even if Mastura was not around. Their effort really meant a lot in my adapting journey. Having colleagues that treat me as family, makes me realize that workplace can be more than just a workplace but can bring more joy when we are surrounded with good people and culture. I can’t wait to meet you guys in person so we could have more joy together!