Regardless of whether it is a vision for your company, or just your department, or even for a team project, co-creating a Vision with the key people involved can bring many benefits.
Here are the top 3:
Having a vision will give your team a compass and ensure that they all move in the same direction. When the vision is meaningful to them, you’ll find them willing to put aside personal differences in order to serve a bigger cause.
When they are involved in the co-creation process, it becomes their vision as well as the company’s or the leader’s. Work becomes more meaningful because it is leading to something that is important to them. With this sense of ownership, they will be driven from within. Their actions and decisions that come from a selfish or self-serving intention, it will come from a sense of purpose.
When you are co-creating this with your team, you would be creating a space for deep sharing. Your key players will reflect on things that they probably wouldn’t talk about in their everyday busy lives. There is immense value in this kind of sharing: your team will get to know each other at a much deeper level. The connection and bonding will allow the team to understand what each better, and stay united when the going gets tough.
As we plunge into 2021, businesses will need teams that are aligned and internally-driven. You can strengthen your team by co-creating your vision. If your company already has one, invite your team to review it together so that you can keep it fresh and alive.