Nur Haryati Hisham

Associate Certified Coach ( ICF )

Haryati is passionate about helping others succeed. As a coach, she works with young and senior talent in various organisations such as Mesiniaga Berhad, Lembaga Zakat Selangor and REKA Studios. With 20-years of corporate experience covering stints in Human Resources, IT Operations and Shared Services, Haryati is well suited to coach professionals from all levels especially those from IT/tech industries.

Haryati recently attained Associate Certified Coach credential and has logged more than 100 coaching hours to date. Other than coaching, she serves Mesiniaga as a Program Manager handling the company’s Succession Planning and Talent Development programs. She is also the Resident Coach overseeing Mesiniaga’s 4DX (Four Disciplines of Execution) implementation, which began in October 2016. Her current engagement with Mesiniaga also includes delivering customised in-house training and workshops. Topics include creativity and innovation in lieu of Mesiniaga’s Bright Side initiative, which focuses on developing new products and solutions based on ideas submitted by its employees.

Prior to ending her corporate career in March 2017, Haryati served as Head of Managed Services supporting clients such as Telekom Malaysia, Malaysia Airlines, MDEC, Prince Court Medical Center and Technip. Leveraging on her HR experience, she regularly speaks on campus at local universities, sharing practical insights to help future graduates prepare for their transition into the workplace. To date, she has fulfilled speaking and workshop engagements at UiTM, UniKL, MSU and USM.

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